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Greenlandic translation interpretation

Greenlandic Translate



Experience exceptional Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) translation, interpretation and subtitling services. Greenlandic Translate helps you communicate thanks to a curated team of translators and interpreters, bridging language gaps across industries.

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Greenlandic translation interpretation Kalaallisut


Welcome to Greenlandic Translate, a branch of Ogmios Conseil. Thanks to our curated network of around 20 translators and interpreters, we are your one-stop solution exclusively dedicated to Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) translation and interpretation services. We provide high-quality, reliable, and accurate translation / revision services, simultaneous and consecutive interpretation for businesses, NGOS and individuals worldwide. Additionally, we  provide subtitling services to make your videos understood by either Greenlanders or the rest of the world !


With our commitment to client satisfaction and a strong focus on quality, Greenlandic Translate is a trusted partner for clients in need of Greenlandic language solutions. We understand the importance of effective communication in today's globalized world, and we're dedicated to helping you overcome language barriers with ease.


Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote on our Greenlandic translation and interpretation services. Let Greenlandic Translate be your partner in achieving success across borders.


Our Services.

Greenlandic translation interpretation Kalaallisut


Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) <> English, Danish, French. Let us know if you need another combination and we will find a solution for you. 

Our team of professional linguists is dedicated to delivering accurate and reliable translations tailored to your unique industry requirements. We specialize in a wide range of sectors, such as oil & gas, tourism, books, business, environmental reports, and more.


We offer different services based on your needs:


  • Translation: Our professional translators provide high-quality Greenlandic translations that accurately convey the meaning of your original text while maintaining cultural and linguistic nuances.

  • Translation + Revision: In addition to translation, our revision services involve a thorough review and refinement of your translated text by a second linguist, ensuring enhanced accuracy, clarity, and consistency.

  • Revision: Our revision service involves a meticulous review of your existing Greenlandic translations by our expert linguists, who refine the text for enhanced accuracy, clarity, and consistency, ensuring your message is conveyed professionally and effectively.


Investing in professional translation and revision services from Greenlandic Translate not only guarantees the quality of your communication but also demonstrates your commitment to connecting with your target audience in a meaningful way.

For a seamless experience and exceptional results, trust Greenlandic Translate for all your Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) translation and revision needs.

Contact us today to request a quote and see how we can help you with your needs.



Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) <> English, Danish, French. Let us know if you need another combination and we will find a solution for you. 

At Greenlandic Translate, we understand the unique demands of each industry and offer specialized interpretation services to different needs. We provide both simultaneous and liaison interpretation:


  • Simultaneous Interpretation: Our simultaneous interpreters provide real-time interpretation of the speaker's message, typically using specialized equipment, making it seamless for attendees to follow along during live events.

  • Liaison Interpretation: Also known as consecutive interpretation, our liaison interpreters facilitate communication between two or more parties in smaller, more interactive settings such as meetings, interviews, or site visits.


By choosing Greenlandic Translate for your interpretation needs, you'll benefit from our industry-specific expertise and commitment to clear, accurate communication. Our professional interpreters ensure your message is conveyed effectively, fostering understanding and enhancing your relationships with Greenlandic-speaking clients and partners.


Contact Greenlandic Translate today to request a quote and discover how our expert Greenlandic interpretation services can help you.

Greenlandic translation interpretation Kalaallisut
Video Editing Timeline


Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) <> English, Danish, French. Let us know if you need another combination and we will find a solution for you. 

At Greenlandic Translate, we can work with various contents such as audio files, documentaries, movies, educational content, podcasts, TV content...


We offer different services based on your needs:


  • Translation + Subtitling: Our team will first translate the video and in the target language. We can then provide you with a .srt file that you can insert directly in your video. Alternatively, we can also send you with a word document with time code. We can work from/to Greenlandic (Kalaallisut).

  • Subtitling: We can add subtitles to a video in Greenlandic (Kalaallisut). This can enhance clarity or make the content easier to watch when in a quiet environment.

  • Transcription: We give you a written version of an audio or a video file in Greenlandic (Kalaallisut).


For a seamless experience and exceptional results, trust Greenlandic Translate for all your Greenlandic (Kalaallisut) subtitling and transcription needs.


Contact us today to request a quote and make your content accessible to reach a wider audience!!



Find below the different sectors we are working in in both translation and interpretation.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have needs in other industries.


Oil & Gas










Our Clients.


Jacqueline Pisani - Council of the European Union

“Throughout our collaboration, you have proven excellent organisational skills as well as solid time management. "

Get in Touch

Greenlandic Translate, a branch of Ogmios Conseil.


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