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Translation services
Danish to Greenlandic &
Greenlandic to Danish

Greenlandic Translate is your trusted partner for seamless and accurate translations between Danish and Greenlandic.  Greenland recognises itself as a self-governing, autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. All our translators are fluent in both Greenlandic and Danish. They are dedicated to ensuring that your messages, documents, and content are effectively communicated in both languages.

Our Expertise

Our translators are highly skilled professionals with in-depth knowledge of both Danish and Greenlandic. They understand the nuances, idioms, and cultural context necessary for precise translations.



Translating between Danish and Greenlandic can be intricate due to the distinct linguistic features of both languages. Greenlandic is a polysynthetic language, known for its complex word formation. Our translators are well-versed in navigating these challenges, providing you with accurate and culturally sensitive translations.


Our Process

The network of Greenlandic translators is different from most languages. Being a language spoken by no more than 60,000 persons worldwide and amongst the most difficult to learn, the pool of translators is rather limited. Additionally, for all of them, Greenlandic is their mother tongue and Danish a learnt language. Hence, we need to use two different processes depending on the needed translation:


Danish to Greenlandic


We send your source text to a native Greenlandic translator from our team who send it back to us translated. The translated text is then sent, along with the source text, to the reviser who is also a native Greenlandic speaker for him/her to check that it’s free from orthographic and grammatical mistakes but also that it matches the meaning of the source text. Hence, for translations from Danish to Greenlandic, it does not pose any problem since both the translator and the reviser are working in their own language.


Greenlandic to Danish


A native Greenlandic translator translates from Greenlandic to Danish. Depending on the complexity of the text, we can either work with a native Greenlandic speaker with a very good command of Danish to review the text or a native danish reviser. If we choose the second option, he/she will collaborate with the translator to ensure that the style is correct and the text free from any grammatical or orthographic mistakes. If the reviser brings only minor changes, he/she will have the final word. However, if some parts are more technical, the reviser can ask for clarification to the translator. They collaborate to find the most appropriate words to ensure that the Danish sentence perfectly reflects the Greenlandic meaning. Collaboration is important here as some words in Greenlandic don’t have any equivalent in Danish. 


General notes


We try to give translators as much contextual information as we can in order to better perform their translation. We also encourage them to make their own researches if needed.


On a general basis, we also prompt the translator to leave annotation for the reviser in case of doubt on a given word or to justify a choice of word. 


Wide range of services

Whether you need documents, websites, marketing materials, legal contracts, or any other content translated, we have the expertise to handle it. No project is too large or too small for us. If needed, for tight deadlines, we can work with several translators and have it all harmonised by a single reviser. 


Our Commitment to Quality

Accuracy: Our translations are not just about converting words but preserving the meaning, tone, and intent of your content.


Formatting: We make sure to respect the same style as the source document and send you back translated document in the same format. We can also send you the text in a word document for you to edit it if needed. 


Cultural Sensitivity: We understand the importance of respecting cultural nuances in translation, ensuring that your message resonates appropriately with the target audience.


On-Time Delivery: We work efficiently to meet your deadlines, ensuring that your projects are completed on schedule.


Translation + revision: In order to ensure the best quality of services, we always work with a translator and a reviser who are tow different persons. We can send you a version with tracked changes to see the work done by our reviser.


Get Started

Ready to take your content to new heights with professional Danish to Greenlandic or Greenlandic to Danish translations? Contact us today for a free quote !!

Get in Touch

Greenlandic Translate, a branch of Ogmios Conseil.


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